


Yair Shimansky, elegantly attired, inspects a diamond with a microscope, embodying luxury and meticulous craftsmanship.


A Shimansky Jewellery Diamond cut



每顆 Shimansky 鑽石的核心都是南非的天然寶藏,結合對完美、熱情和創新的不斷追求,最大限度地發揮每顆手工精選鑽石的光芒和潛力,打造您應得的最美麗的鑽石。

我們的鑽石專家會考慮每個刻面、角度、切割、拋光、比例和其他因素。我們擁有超過 5 項國際鑽石切割專利,我們的經驗和知識在鑽石領域首屈一指。

A radiant woman with flowing hair beams with joy, exuding elegance and warmth in her smile.


希曼斯基鑽石的旅程始於直接從南非礦山手工挑選的頂級鑽石。選擇過程可能需要最多五天。借助雷射測繪、3D 掃描等專業設備,結合個人技能和經驗,只有最優質的毛坯鑽石才會被挑選出來,發揮其成為 Shimansky 鑽石的潛力,運往位於南非開普敦的 Shimansky 鑽石切割和拋光車間非洲。

A rough and a cut diamond next to each other




Shimansky 珠寶作品的真正價值只有在佩戴者佩戴時才能實現。

Shimansky picking up a cut diamond within loose diamonds


在鑽石分級的所有 4c 標準中,切割是對鑽石光特性影響最大的因素,影響鑽石的亮度、火彩和閃爍度。

我們所做的一切都不斷追求完美,鑽石也不例外。憑藉多年的鑽石切割和拋光經驗,Shimansky 設計並獲得了創新鑽石切割專利,與常用的常規鑽石切割相比,其亮度和光性能更加優越。


Shimansky 獨家鑽石切割

Shimansky Eight Hearts Diamond Cut

Eight Hearts

Superior Round Cuts

The first branded Hearts & Arrows diamond that is cut and polished in South Africa. The exclusive Shimansky Eight Hearts diamond, has a distinct eight sided star pattern when viewed from the topusing the 'Ideal Scope' diamond veiwer, and a patter of eight hearts when viewed from the pavillion side of the diamond.

Shimansky Brilliant 10 Diamond cut

Brilliant 10

The Brilliant 10 diamond cut is the result of years of research into the exact science of light behavior and optic dispersion. Tested in leading international gemological laboratories, with up to 25% more brilliance compared to a round brilliant cut diamond, there is little to no light leakage - a world's first in the diamond industry.

Shimansky Signature My Girl Diamond Cut

My Girl

My Girl Diamond

The world's first diamond with a diamond-shaped table, the My Girl Diamond was designed and patented by Yair Shimansky after three years of research and development into the science and art of light behavior and optics, It is the first internationally patented cut to originate from South Africa, a Shimansky exclusive.

Shimansky My Girl Cushion Diamond Cut

My Girl Cushion

The My Girl Cushion cut diamond with a diamond-shaped table is a meaningful improvement of the popular Cushion cut diamond, by applying unique cutting principle developed for the My Girl Cut, more brilliance, fire and scintillation are created making the My Girl Cushion cut the most mesmerizing of all.

CEO Yair Shimansky happily inspecting diamonds at the jewellery store.

鑽石分級的 5C

與鑽石的切割、顏色、淨度和克拉重量同樣重要的是第 5 個 C——信心。了解您是透過值得信賴的珠寶商購買鑽石,並且鑽石的開採和採購符合道德規範。

希曼斯基在鑽石旅程的各個方面都擁有豐富的實務經驗,是鑽石領域的專家。提供超越 4cs 的獨特體驗和價值。



與我們合作,讓您的訂婚戒指夢想成為現實。從選擇您的鑽石、選擇的金屬到戒指設計,我們將全程為您服務。以獨一無二的體驗將您的願景變為現實,從我們的第一次面對面或虛擬會議,幫助您選擇俘獲您芳心的鑽石,到用我們的州打造最美麗的鉑金或黃金訂婚戒指- 最先進的技術和技能,您將從各個角度以3D 方式查看您的戒指,保證您的戒指達到預期甚至超越預期。